Race Education & Immigration Policy


In this book Frances Benskin looks at educational issues such as the exclusion of Black children and other groups in schools, behaviorism, classroom management, racial bullying in schools, racism and education. She also discuss how these issues may affect the education of Black youths in schools. Those issues are by no means totally clear-cut but gives a picture of the education system and how it caters for various groups.

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One of the author’s aims, in this book is to look at why Black children are being excluded in larger groups and whether or not a solution can be found to curb this unfortunate situation.  There seems to be still a problem facing Black youth in schools over several decades since the 1950’s and to 2011, ranging from underachievement, which is still taking place, to exclusion, which means that they are not even given the chance to be achievers.  If we look at both topics, there are similar connotations which would signify that the school system does not adequately cater for the needs of Black pupils.  Although, some changes have taken place, there is still much work to be done.

This book is even more relevant today, when it can appear that racism and exclusion of Black youth in schools is something of the past.  It is still happening today…