What are your thoughts on underprivileged children who have no means to help themselves to succeed and build their dreams. How can you help them to accomplish this dream? Your suggestions are welcome. There is so much apathy, discontent, disgruntlement and dissatisfaction amongst many young people today, that it is worth spending a few moments to think how you could help a worthwhile cause like this. Some of those youths are just longing to be helped with the hope that someone will listen to them. Young people needs direction and guidance where they can help to build their society and communities in order to maintain a cohesive society with bright future prospects. Young people needs a purpose in their lives so that they can feel that they are contributing to the world in which they live, even more so their own society. They need to be partakers in their society which is becoming more complex and difficult day by day. There is a need for them to channel their skills and intellectual qualities into creative and artistic development by using their full potential in a productive way.
To offer hope to young people, and let them know that they can be achievers just like anyone else who have achieved great things. At times it is not easy for these youngsters to see the good in themselves because they are so clouded by negative vibes and negative comments which restricts their thinking and prevent them moving forward. I have mentored young people who thought they were too incompetent to do anything worthwhile. But by asking them to rethink their views and evaluate their situation, there is always another side to them which was not apparent to them.
They are always pleased to know that someone somewhere has taken the time to consider them as worthy individuals and is willing to help them without being judgemental. They need to break that mould of helplessness and turn it into positive views about themselves, because without a change of such mind set they cannot move forward. These youths are longing for someone to help them, but they think no one understands their situation. As a result some may end up on a slippery path to destroying their young lives, because they think no one cares. They deserve a second chance that would help them change their situation. If you think that you would like to be a partaker, just click the button and follow the link to the website where you can give yours views and subscribe.